Thursday, November 16, 2017

By William West

It is important to have a systematic process for undertaking pre-employment screening. There are many agencies that can provide employers with support services. The process has to be controlled so that the privacy of the applicant is not unnecessarily invaded. When conducting Pre Employment Screening Houston, it is also important to follow the regulatory framework which is meant to ensure that employees are not exploited during the checks.

In the current rapid and competitive business world, the worst thing that a potential employee could be is a 'non-performer.' Steps would, therefore, be taken to ensure that no potential non-performers got into the organization, through things like administration of the various tests. Where references were checked, it would still be with the aim of verifying competence, and nothing else.

It is vitally important for small businesses to protect themselves against internal theft and fraud. These businesses tend to be more vulnerable, and more likely to suffer major consequences of fraud. If they suffer a large loss, this could potentially be the demise of that business.

Often, loss is insidious, and managers/owners are just not aware that it is happening until it is too late. There are many situations where small business owners have very nearly folded due to theft by employees they trusted. The worse thing is that, in many cases, these employees have been with them for years, and had probably been thieving for years, and interestingly enough - all employees had a history of similar behavior.

Data protection provisions: There are certain strict regulations that relate to the management of information. An abuse of information might be prosecuted in the courts. The employer has to ensure that the agency is operating within the remits of the current law. The agency will probably present some guarantees that relate to the service that is being provided. These have to address the statutory framework as a necessity. Likewise, there has to be a review process regarding the information that has been gathered so far. This will assist the employer when a decision on employment is being made.

Previously, violent tendencies would be checked out in the 'criminal records check' aspect of the pre-engagement assessment process. However, it has increasingly become necessary to have that violent tendency check as an independent element of the pre-screening process. There are at least two reasons for including the examination of violent tendencies:

The provision of pre-employment screening is an important service for employers. It allows them to assess the background of the applicants so that they can fit them into the organization. It also reduces the risks associated with employing new people within a diverse pool of applicants. Most companies cannot undertake this task without external assistance. Therefore the outsourcing model is favored in these circumstances.

Does my business have an engagement procedure? You need to have an employment procedure. Many employers are remiss when it comes to employing staff. Often there is the "let's suck it and see" approach, or the "she'll be right" approach. A lot of the time as an employer, you need someone to fill a role quickly; someone to stand behind a counter and smile, carry tools or fill a spot on a production line. The perceived hierarchy of a job does not determine whether or not a pre-engagement screen should or should not be done. A lower ranked employee is just as likely to commit fraud or theft as a higher ranking employee.

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