Sunday, February 4, 2018

By Arthur Clark

It is necessary for entrepreneurs of today to accept credit card payments. Technology is growing and many people are embracing paperless payment. In this case, a business that does not adapt and invest in different payment options could simply be losing clients. Of importance is to understand the cost that comes with such a move. Here is a look at the different charges credit card processors Vermont area might levy your business.

When it comes to accepting credit payments from customers, you can either opt for a full merchant account or subscribe to the payment service plan with a processing company. Each of these payment processing modes has varied charges. They also favor different businesses and this you should know.

For example, a full merchant account will charge monthly standard fees and subsidized transactional fees. Because of the standard charges, it can be costly for a business with low sales volumes. This goes without saying that a business that sales a lot will benefit from this arrangement. The low transactional fees will actually cover the fixed monthly charges when the credit card sales are many.

A full merchant account may also charge contract severance fees for businesses that cancel their subscription earlier than the stipulated time. Basically, merchant accounts operate for at least one month. In this case, study your contract keenly and understand all the terms and conditions. Make sure you determine whether there are any penalties that come with defaulting any term or condition stated in such a contract.

Payment service processors would be ideal for small enterprises that are still struggling to make sales. In this arrangement, you only pay for the transactions done and you will not incur mandatory monthly charges. However, the transactional fees for payment service processing are high compared to merchant full account.

If you are running a physical shop and are using swiping machines owned by your payment processing company, you are likely to be charged terminal monthly fees. Companies that rent payment terminals often would lure customers to lease their machines. This works for the company as it increases its revenue but these fees eat into your profits. The remedy for this is investing in your own machines that can work with the approved EMV card standards.

For the case e-commerce platform owners, a payment gateway is necessary as it handles the transactions the same way POS machine process card payments. Now, different service providers charge varied fees. While some companies offer the service themselves, others do so as third parties. The most important thing is to make sure that the company you pick offers excellent customer services to guarantee quick action in case of any glitches.

Other charges that you should beware of are the monthly statement and annual service fees. They could sound like just a few dollars but with time they will impact your bottom line. It is easy to avoid such by subscribing to e-statement options that will not call for physical delivery or mailing.

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