Wednesday, August 14, 2019

By Raymond Reynolds

One of the most popular summer events that most households celebrate is a backyard barbecue party. In order to make sure you and your guests enjoy this event, it is important to make sure that your equipment and tools are in great shape. Here are some tips you can start with before calling for a BBQ repair Chappaqua.

The first step is to check for gas leaks. This is to ensure that your equipment is safe and ready to use. One way to do so is checking the grill hoses to see whether there are any cracks, brittles, or holes. If present, replace them immediately to prevent a safety issue. You can find replacement hoses at any home improvement shop if you feel like doing a DIY job.

Another way to check for leaks is by inspecting the tank valve. For people using propane, this can be quite tricky considering the component is near invisible. However, one simple solution is to create a gentle mixture of laundry soap and water and place it in a spray bottle. Follow this step by spritzing the solution over the valve of your gas tank and wait for bubbles.

For the next step, remove any blockages from burner tubes. These refer to any component or substance that can keep your igniter from lighting during use. Some examples include crusty debris and cobwebs. To remove these components, use a steel wired brush and brush the portholes thoroughly.

After inspecting for gas leaks, start cleaning certain parts of your equipment. For a one hundred percent natural solution, combine water and distilled white vinegar in a bottle and start spraying the interior. After replacing the lid, allow it to soak in the solution for thirty minutes then wipe it off. This will help get rid of sticky residue almost instantly.

While not part of the set, your cooking utensils should also be taken care of. To get rid of stubborn stains in your utensils, soak it in instant coffee solution for half an hour. This will help loosen the residue which makes it a cinch to wipe off after. If you want to have a better cooking experience, consider switching your utensils for better and more staple tools.

Aside from checking the physical parts of your equipment, another part you also need to inspect is your flame color. Experts suggest that grills with an all yellow flame are a sign that there is not the right amount of pressure in the gas tank. Flames with a blue color however, is considered ideal, especially if they have yellow tips.

Last but not least is getting rid of ash. People who opt to have charcoal grill instead of gas often have ash residue left from the last barbecue. To get your grill ready for the summer, wrap the old briquettes in foil and toss it in the trash. If you are using additive free wooden options, combine it with your fertilizer to steadily increase the pH levels of your soil.

A clean grill makes cooking barbecue easier simply because there is no residue or old gunk left on the surface. While there are issues that can easily be fixed by simply troubleshooting techniques, it is always a good idea to call in a professional repairman to see if your equipment is still working properly. This is especially true for owners who have older models that require regular inspection and maintenance. Good luck and enjoy your summer.

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