Monday, March 4, 2019

By John Evans

Asana, the original name for what is nowadays known as yoga, is a philosophy that was developed over a long time by an Indian philosopher called Swami Vivekanada. At the tail end of the eighteenth century he traveled throughout Canada and the United states to introduce this philosophy. He could not have foreseen such widespread acceptance of Asana. It became popular almost immediately and there are now millions of practitioners everywhere in the world. Yoga in Freeport Illinois is particularly popular.

Even with millions of people practicing Asana, there are still some common misconceptions about this philosophy. Many people think that it is nothing but a fitness program that consists of stretching and striking various poses. There are also those that still think that it is a mystical eastern religious sect. None of this is true. Asana is a philosophy that aims to improve the body, spirit and mind holistically.

There are many different forms of Asana and they all involve specific stretching exercises and the mastery of certain poses. Some forms of the philosophy require more physical strength than others and some concentrate more upon contemplative issues. Regardless of the version one practices, it is always about the ability to focus, to do self examination, to become fitter and to develop an inner peace and discipline.

Asana can be practiced in isolation or in groups, but there is never any competition involved at all. Groups and classes typically consist of individuals at many different levels of experience, so families could easily all take part. Beginners and veterans can easily be in the same group or class. Everyone master new exercises and poses only when they are ready to do so, normally with some help of a more experienced person.

There have been many studies focusing on the potential benefits of Asana. They all concur that there are indeed many health benefits. People that suffer from heart disease, hypertension, depression, high anxiety levels, arthritis, gout and many other ailments have definitely improved once they started practicing Asana. It also improves the flexibility and it strengthens the muscles and tendons. It helps people to concentrate better too.

Because there are many different versions of Asana, beginners are advised to attend at least a few classes before settling on any one specific version. It is not an expensive activity because no special equipment or clothes are necessary. Disabled people, very young children, old people and even mentally challenged individuals can benefit. It can be practised anywhere, even at home in isolation, in a park or with others.

There are a lot of magazines, books and websites devoted to Asana. There are even free online classes and forums where beginners can obtain advice. Before any of these resources can be useful, however, it is first necessary to decide upon a particular version of the philosophy. In order to do so, it is necessary to think about the needs, physical condition, time available and other factors. Only then will all these resources be of value.

There is no doubt that Asana has many benefits. It helps people to become fit, to increase their attention span, to manage their health better and to improve their overall flexibility and strength. There are no drawbacks or risks and no financial investment is necessary.

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