Monday, January 14, 2019

By Amy Robinson

Pigeon clock also called pigeon timer is the device used to time arriving of pigeons being raced and consists a magazine that holds identification bands for the contestants. The bands are organized in the order through which they were inserted in the recording clock to capture the time of insertion. Now you do not have to worry about getting durable pigeons clocks from the right supplier.

Pigeons and doves come from a similar bird family, and the terms are normally interchangeable. Thus, people have the tendency to categorize the huge birds as pigeons and call the smaller ones doves. However, both birds resemble in their lifecycles and habits. For instance, both birds engage in mating for life, and both parents take care of their young ones and generate a greatly nutritious substance referred as crop milk which they utilize to feed their young.

Since memorial, pigeons are said to be the earliest birds which man tamed. The good example is with Egyptians who were known to keep the birds for entertainment, racing or even food. After some time, they were also utilized as carriers of message particularly crossing the foes lines. Their later function was dropped with the invention of communication methods nevertheless.

These days, some people still grow the bird for hobby even though there are those who keep it for manure, for racing and even for food. But the most interesting part which has become common and big is the racing is also highly financed. The races are prepared in different corners of the globe whereby finance rs spend big amounts of cash. The person giving training lessons to the bird is called the fancier, and he is also accountable for breeding of quality animals that are used in racing.

Racing Homer is the breed of the bird that is used for racing. The bird is trained according to the race distance. The nest is known as loft, and the pigeon is normally trained to go back to their loft. That is achieved by training the bird at an early stage. After the bird has grown, it is freed into controlled environment and permitted to get used to its surroundings. After it has done that it takes the challenge of finding its way to the loft. The process is repeated a different times, and with time the distance is increases each time.

The breed of pigeon used in racing is called Racing Homer. The birds are normally trained to cover some distance and return to their areas of rest commonly known as lofts. The training starts when birds are young, and as they grow, they are used to the same. After the birds have grown, they are released to nearby controlled environment where they are allowed to come back to their individual lofts. After repeating the progress a couple of times, the distance of training is increased after some time.

Small rubber rings are put around one leg of every pigeon participating in the race. The bird is then released from a particular point, and after flying, they return back to their lofts. When they are back to their lofts, the fancier gets rid of the rubber from every bird and places it in special clock.

The clock stops after the ring is placed on it. The clock is then submitted to judges to record the time. Speeds are calculated by noting the distance and the time used by the bird to fly back. The bird with the highest velocity becomes the winner.

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