Saturday, December 29, 2018

By Nancy Hayes

Accounting for any business is absolutely crucial. Not only will it come in handy when the time comes to file taxes. It also ensures one can keep proper track of their progress. If the business is small, it might be a little costly for the business to hire a professional. So here are a few tips for DYIers. Keep track of all papers. Keep all receipts. Including email receipts for things like digital ads. Keep every little relevant piece of paper. Even that coffee with the new supplier. Ecommerce bookkeeping will ensure one can claim tax credits. Even for internet costs. This should be done on a daily basis.

That is something to do every day. Some activities will be left for the end of the week. Like a check on the cash flow and variable expenses for example. These do not require a daily check and recording much like the petty cash expenses mentioned above. Having a weekly record of how the financial situation looks enables fast and knowledgeable decision making.

Every single month a more comprehensive report should be created. Bring together every single record from the dailies to the weeklies. One is able to get a more general and wholesome financial position. By having these monthly reports for several months, it is easier to note trends and direction. One can even extrapolate and see the financial future. These monthly reports will also reveal the benefit or impact of special projects on the bottom line. Are they serving their purpose?

An entrepreneur might not have the expertise to properly execute this exercise on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Therefore it is important to be familiar with some words and their implications on the business. Accounts receivable for example can easily confound one. One might treat the money due to them as available funds for spending. Even going as far as budgeting for them. This is very risky. Accounts receivable are a mere idea until they are settled. One should be careful not to let their optimism get in the way of smart business. The opposite of this is accounts payable.

One must match every transaction on their accounting records with those on the bank statement. This helps reveal any discrepancies. Often, there will be one or two unmatched transactions. Like interest entries, unpresented checks and others. This matching can be exhausting for some. The idea is not to leave it for later. Because the things pile up and possible mistakes are left uncorrected for long.

There are many ways to back up documents. Important financial documents especially. A data stick for example. Just do not let this get in the wrong hands. A safer way to back up is the internet. One can procure a free internet storage space or they could buy one. It all depends on how much safety one is hoping for. Whichever way one decides to go, an extra copy of the financial documents must be kept someplace safe and away from the regularly used computer.

There are three main reasons why the system might fail despite following the above to the letter. The first is time. Not knowing what to do when and not having enough time to do it. The other issue is the technical skill. Difficulty understanding the intricacies of accounting. The third is more balls than one can handle. When one is running a business, there is a lot on the plate. Each demanding attention and priority. In this case, one should try to find an affordable service. Find a professional who will not charge too much.

Finding an accountant or firm to handle things should not be haphazard. Caution should be exercised. Find a qualified person. Make sure they adhere to accounting principles. Do due diligence. Most of all ensure the fees do not drive the company to the ground.

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