Tuesday, November 7, 2017

By Jennifer Gibson

Diners have differing reasons why they prefer a particular type of seating when they dine out. Customers can choose either restaurant booths and tables for many different reasons. Most restaurant staff will ask patrons if they want a table or a booth. The typical answer is a booth. It is not unusual for customers to wait until a booth is available rather than take a table for immediate seating.

Folks will wait until a booth is ready even when there is an available table for their immediate service. People who like a booth instead of a table have specific reasons that often vary between customers. It is very important to consider the customer and their preferences when designing an establishment and laying out the seating.

The purchase of a booth is typically higher priced than a table but is necessary to keep customers satisfied. It is important to the success of the establishment that the customer is comfortable. Understanding why people prefer this type of seating will help proprietors choose the booth with the features that will please the customer.

Some people prefer sitting at a table rather than a booth. For that reason, it is important to have variety in seating options. When customers have a seating choice they are more satisfied and will be comfortable dining in your establishment. It is important that the owner of the eatery knows why people prefer a booth over a table.

It is equaling important to know why folks prefer to sit at a table while dining. Many customers prefer the comfort of sitting at a table for a number of reasons just like booth sitters. Some folks may prefer a table because their feet do not touch the floor in a booth. Taller folks may find a table more comfortable as well.

No matter if they are eating at a fancy establishment or a diner, many customers like a certain amount of privacy during a meal. A booth against the wall leaving only one side of the table and one bench available is very private. Additionally, if the seat back is high this type of booth offers more privacy. Other diners will not be able to see the people seated at the booth and the high back blocks the sound of the other patrons eating and talking.

For many people the bench seat in a booth offers better comfort than the chairs. The bench cushion also is often softer and better padded than the chairs that are made from wood or metal and do not have enough padding. Benches are sturdier than chairs and can provide better support. They bench also provides a bigger space for sitting. Chairs limit the size of the seat area.

Booth seating provides the luxury of less traffic while dining because they are usually up against a wall. Tables are typically in the center of the room and allow traffic around the four sides. A booth is much cozier and intimate. They offer roomy seating, less noise, more comfort, and privacy.

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