Tuesday, October 24, 2017

By George McDonald

Building and construction is a long and complex process that requires so much to achieve the best results. The best structures require that proper planning and preparation be done before the actual act of construction begins. Selecting the right and all the materials required is very important, and one of the most important materials are tie wires when doing concrete constructions. The main thing to acquire the technical design of your house from an architect or an engineer.

Purchase the required re-bars as your engineer or constructor will instruct, based on the plan. Buying your ties guided by the plan helps you to approximate, almost with exactness, the type and size of a reinforcing bar required. Further, making the purchase before the beginning of a construction helps in identifying any deficits, be they financial or material. It, therefore, provides a good opportunity to evaluate your readiness to begin the work of construction.

Thirdly, note that there are different methods that you can use to join the other accessories. It is very important that you decide which method would be effective and also within the budget line. There is the tie bag spinner, which is very effective but more expensive. Then there is the comparatively cheaper steeled wire which has been annealed to make it easy to bend without causing breakages.

After that, realize that choosing whether you do the slab before tying the accessories depends, mainly, on the plan of a structure. It can also be influenced by other factors like what the constructor prefers. Making this decision early enough will prevent you from running into cases of poor planning and unforeseen and unexpected interruptions.

Remove the ties from the container in which you purchased them or where you placed them and sort them out. Sorting your accessories before the actual tying will help you to organize your work and make you work efficiently. It will also help you identify any gaps that may be existing so that you address them early enough, instead of realizing that on the way.

The next thing to do is to do the actual steel tying. This can be argued to be the main step, but it is not an end in itself. It cannot independently stand because its effectiveness depends on other steps. Therefore, take time to combine the accessories as guided by the plan and based on what goes where.

Fasten the ties using a pair of pliers. Regardless of the kind of structure, you will need to make the ties as tight as possible. This ensures that the re-bar is effectively fastened and, thus, enhances the strength and stability of the house. Do these using pliers because it is simple to use. This step may appear simple, but it is advisable to depend on experience when doing it or if you ask someone else to fasten.

In the end, you will realize that following a systematic way of tying or making the re-bar prepares both the constructor and his or her client for the costs involved in the use of process. Having a building whose bars are well-fastened makes the constructor not just satisfied with the work but also motivated to raise the quality of the work. That is why these steps are sometimes very important.

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