Friday, October 27, 2017

By Richard Reynolds

Safety is a crucial aspect of our lives. Everyone feels comfortable upon a guarantee of his or her safety. The rising of crime in our society has increased mushrooming of many security companies Irvine to supplement what the government is offering. The upcoming of these private guard companies has created job opportunities too. While hiring the staff officers, These companies should put the following aspects into considerations.

Physical fitness is the essential outward quality of a perfect guard. The recruiting officers should not compromise the minimum requirements while interviewing guards. The correct height, weight, good eyesight, good hearing ability are among the essential characteristics. It is only through following right recruitment procedure one will get a perfect officer.

Honesty is an essential virtue considered in any troop guard. Refusal to steal, lie, deceive regardless of the situation. Truthfulness is paramount since these officers are going to be in control of people safety and be in charge of valuables. The perfect guard is right fearing and of high moral standards. One should be able to carry out duties with minimal or no supervisions. They should be contented with their earnings and shade away any temptation to add what does not belong to them.

Effective communication is vital aspect in any security agency. The trainee are able to receive and pass information timely. Ability to communicate well enables smooth running of troop and ensures the appropriate performance of tasks. Proper communication leads to good rapport with clients hence marketing the brand of agency. As a result, more clients are attracted and therefore high profit to the company.

Code of conduct is vital trait to check. The ability to have self-drive and adhere to the set rules. Troops carry out security activities in a legalized manner. Each organized contingent got their leader and set guidelines. The recruited ones are required to comply with the set laws that include time cautious, cleanliness, respect to each other among others. Any personnel who is not ready to adhere to the set orders might sabotage the activities. Thus they are unfit.

Experience is core trait to consider on recruitment. While making a selection, it is always advisable to give priorities to those with past knowledge on safety matters. Those rich in experience provide quality services. It reduces the expenses of training new guard too. Private companies are profit based, hence cutting the cost of training increases company profit.

Alertness of officer is a crucial aspect to consider while interviewing a trainee. These are officers charged with responsibility either to provide safety to institutions, premises or individual. Thus they should be able to quickly observe any occurrence critically and come up with logical deductions. Those with high fatigue or tire easily are not viable for this task. One should be sharp and fast to use all senses to detect illegalities.

Technological know-how is paramount due to the advancement of technology. The global advancement of technology has contributed to rising in crime; this is because criminals are using very high skills to commit some criminal activities. To encounter technology expert is preferred, especially on safetymatters. For quality services, these guards should be open for learning and be ready to undergo frequent training on changes on security field.

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