Saturday, February 7, 2015

By Beryl Dalton

The world has suffered several problems and setbacks from way back in the days of our forefathers. These problems have made life quite hard for the inhabitants. This is all forms of life on the earth ranging from the fishes in the oceans to the birds in the air. This brings in the relevance of mental creativity to provide viable solutions. The importance of Vaccine formulation is very paramount.

These problems or rather challenges come in various kinds depending on the particular society. The most basic classification is the natural and the man-made. Activities such as mining, stone quarrying and deforestation tend to cause climatic changes with time that cause or intensify weather problems. Measures have been undertaken to ensure that the effects of such activities are kept within check at all times.

On the other hand there are problems that have no so solution so far and yet pose such a threat to human life. These are occurrences that usually come without a warning and destroy everything in their way. Sudden occurrences such as volcanic eruptions, massive landslides, hurricanes, storms and many other are some of the most feared in this category. They claim many life forms including human, livestock and property too.

Limitation in availability of resources also poses another problem for development on earth. This is also expressed as the evident gap between the rich and the poor. While some people are filthy rich others cannot afford even the daily meals. The technical term for this is poverty. The increasing levels of poverty in the world today have also poised another mountain climb challenge for humans. Poverty is the root cause of several other problems.

Disease is so far the biggest catastrophe to hit this planet. This problem claims several lives every day irrespective of age or species. It is the leading cause of mortality in the world today. While some diseases have readily available and affordable remedies others do not and this amplifies the threat. Some illnesses such as cancer have no easy accessible cure and hence terrorize many.

This brings in the element of vaccination. A vaccine is a biologically engineered substance. This substance is introduced into the human or animal body in order to threaten their immunity. The process of accomplishing that is known as vaccination or immunization. These vaccines comprise of a dead or inactive microbe that causes the disease being immunized against.

This formulation was aimed at ensuring our bodies are equipped enough to deal with the diseases that attack it especially the ones with no known cure. Immunization of all members of the society will eradicate the fatality out of the society at least for a while or even for good. The diseases that require immunization include measles, fellow fever, tetanus and a number of others.

Vaccination is one of the most valuable scientific inventions of sixteenth century. Many children who were at risk of infection now live happily with good health due to immunization. In the beginning this was a solution for children but now it helps even adults to eschew several dangerous diseases. This is a very paramount medical breakthrough for researchers and hence should be given the maximum consideration.

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