Sunday, December 21, 2014

By Loris F. Anders

Anyone, who treasures time, and prefers to spend it as wisely as possible, is an advocate for the better way of technology- based business operations. Paperless office-document scanning provides an efficient method of capturing printed information into an electronic format. This eliminates and greatly reduces the need for paper in the new office environment.

Staying within the greener option is an essential responsibility which one should strive for, since it not only accentuates efficiently service, but also saves the planet. It has become a bad habit for many people that everything they receive has to be printed into a hardcopy, in order for it to be viewed and then ultimately filed. With a little mind adjustment, it can be seen how a digital copy, is more efficient than a printed one, since it can be saved, easily edited and more easily accessed when needed.

The business with then run more smoothly without the time consume management of the entire mountain of document capture that becomes necessary in the most inopportune times. Deadlines seem to become the norm, and data capturing a full time job. The two do not necessarily correlate or synchronize for obvious reasons. If the data can then be instantaneously entered into the database system, then there will be no future need to get back to them unless required for information purposes.

Change is always a difficult concept, not only for management but for the employees as well. Their method of performing their job is ingrained into their psyche and is often reluctantly changed with much disdain. However, with a little correct planning and careful step-by step set goals, it can become a reality sooner than expected.

Networking is an imperative part of any successful business, and collecting business cards, pamphlets or brochures from prospective clients or suppliers is essential for future access. However, if you are dedicated to the no-paper system, it should be applied to all aspects of the daily hum-drum. There is luckily an app available which allows you to input all relevant information quickly and competently.

Meetings are much more efficiently dealt with, since all of the digital information can easily be transported to the premises on the appropriate electronic device, and all files can quickly be accessed on site for a professional delivery each time. The entire meetings proceeding can then be captured digitally for reference detailing, and to eliminate any errors due to communication difficulties. The presentation can also be forwarded to all the members involved in a format that that can view at their convenience.

The benefits as can be seen are endless and the productivity increased beyond comprehension, so why then is it so difficult for some people to change their methods? Sometimes it stems from the amount of work that lies ahead of them in order to capture existing paperwork digitally. This mountain seems too steep and they procrastinate.

However, with a little drive and perseverance the end result will be worth every effort. All the future time saved in the new system, will translate into money savings and a smooth professional work ethic that achieves the goal intended. With all of the advantaged, far outweighing the amount of initial work that might be necessary, there is only way forward, and technology wins every time.

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