Sunday, August 24, 2014

By George Dodson

Equality of both genders is one thing that people today are thankful for. However, despite all these, there are still a few places where equality of genders is not maintained - one of which is in the workplace. One obvious issue about this is the pay rates of men and women. women are just paid less. In 2001, the GAO or Government Accountability Office made a report that the total weekly earnings of women were only about 75% of what men were earning. For a few decades, this gap has persisted and until now, women make about 80 cents whenever men are earning a dollar.

So why exactly are women earning less than men? Here now are the reasons why the male gender tend to make a bigger amount of money than what women can.

Time commitment for work

Working hours can be one of the most important things that affect the difference in income generated by both sexes. With regard to attendance or time committed at work, women have less chances of providing the most time. Also, there is a great likelihood that women would not stay for long in one job or would not see themselves grow with a certain job especially when it is not designed for women.

Provided that women have their own families not to mention children, their time commitment can be divided as they have two roles to fill. Thus, the less time that is spent at work results to lesser wage and earnings for women. Unlike men with families or kids, they are actually inspired to work for more hours in order to provide for their families.

Picking the wrong job

One more significant element that affects earnings at work for both genders is their choice in careers. In this regard, women who work jobs that require strength and endurance would be less likely to make more money than men. More often than not, there are also a lot of jobs that does not require much muscle and need more knowledge but still have the female gender earn less. Although the physical strength may be a less requirement in a job, there will be a lot of stress attained if too much over-times, rush projects, extended hours at work and others are to be handled at work. Honestly speaking, when it comes to handling tedious as well as brain draining jobs men are more reliable thus paid more and can earn more.

Employer?s preference

Lastly, the employer?s preference can also be a good reason why women are earning less than men. One right of being an employer is the right to choose the gender of their staff or employees. Many employers prefer certain genders probably because that specific gender provides more production or quality in their business.

Listed here are just a brief overview of the factors which affect the lesser earnings of the female gender compared to the male gender. The female gender will always be the weaker gender. It is a fact that we should learn to accept. Nevertheless, this should not discourage any woman to work or think that they will be paid less. What a woman should just bear in mind is that the female gender are more detail-oriented as well as can come up with the best quality or products or work - which becomes an edge to the male gender.

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