Tuesday, February 6, 2018

By Martha Murphy

In the world we live in today, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing by the day. This is not a good thing as the rich will always be given priority over the poor. Thanks to the many charitable organizations in play, the gap may actually reduce. The overly wealthy have the chance to uplift those who are not as lucky. The article discusses ways of facilitating generosity in your life.

As much as generosity is giving and expecting nothing in return, there is always a little something you get in return. That is usually emotional satisfaction. Studies reveal that people who give are healthier, happier and have a longer life span. This is major because they are proud of how they can make the world a little better through smaller gestures.

Many are the times that people look at the negativity of life. People tend to look at what they do not have. You should learn to count your blessings. Think of all the things that you have in your life and appreciate them as no one can be as lucky as you. Seeing the positive in your life will always give you the motivation to help those who are not as lucky.

For a first time donor, they are usually not very sure if they should or should not donate. In such a case, it is easier to start small. You can start with whatever amount you feel is lowest for you. If you are uncomfortable donating in person, you can be an anonymous donor online. This way, no matter the amount you donated you will never have to cross paths with the involved people.

To make your work easier, you can always opt to donate as soon as you receive your paycheck. This is because if you start by spending, you may spend all of the money as the donation will have slipped your mind. Donating first is the better option. You will never notice the amount you gave away as it will be part of your system each time you get your paycheck.

Another way to raise donation money is like diverting one expense. This basically means not spending money on something once in a while. For example, if you are used to taking your car to work every day, you may choose to leave it at home every Wednesday. You may then commute on your bicycle. You will have saved your fuel money. If you carry on this way for the next month or so, you will have saved so much for the donation.

If you are not a giver to charity, there is always another way. You can for example, in your life find a person you trust, admire or who means a lot to you. Observe them, what they are passionate about, what kind of cause they give to. This will be the first step in the right direction if you are looking to join the organizations they are involved in.

Another option is to spend time with a generous person. This will give you an inside scope of their life. You can make inquiries like how they came about being generous. The answers may actually inspire you to be as generous as they are.

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