Wednesday, February 3, 2016

By Chase Pillers

Many treatment centers are not doing well financially. Florida has always been known for its high amount of rehabs and treatment centers. There are over 18,000 treatment centers in the United States. Many treatment centers are not profitable today because most people do not have the right medical insurance to enter into a facility. A 30 day stay at a treatment center can be as much as $30,000 or more. A treatment center often has detox services for the clients, blood tests and all sorts of things that go along with treating a client.

The #1 reason why a treatment center cannot succeed is because they are not showing a profit. Many medical billers that worked under ICD-9 had no problem showing a profit. The new ICD-10 has a lot more codes to learn. You also have to document a lot more detail. Today, a medical biller should know something about anatomy and be a good writer. The way that you work with words is important when it comes to billing. It will make the difference of getting a $10,000 check from the insurance companies or one for $18,000. Many treatment centers today are seeing a slow down with reimbursement payments. Many insurance companies are now doing regular audits before paying out. It is important to have all of your records up to date. Showing a profit makes sense for most people. It is important to show a good profit for everything that you are doing.

The main reason for this is that it's cheaper and more profitable. The expenses of keeping an in house biller is costly. You have to work one on one with a coder to see any changes. It is important to understand that there is a significant change growing day to day.

It is important to understand that a treatment center has a lot of overhead. The medical staff often is the biggest overhead. They have to pay psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, counselors and much more. It is important to know that a treatment center has a lot of information for people to look at. Clients often see a treatment center as a money making pit. However, today, it is not like it was in the 1990's. Treatment centers were often more profitable because people tended to have medical insurance that was necessary to go into a program. Getting into a treatment program takes time, discipline and a whole new level of know how. Can you really see a treatment center succeeding today? You can if you are willing to put the time and effort into one succeeding.

Medical billing companies take a percentage of your earnings. If you don't make any money, neither do them. It is a fair system to me. If you pay an employee, then you have to worry about if they are getting you a higher return. Many employees don't know ICD-10. If you work with a company that is certified in this, you will see that you actually earn a lot more money and see higher success rates. A medical biller today has to know how to make things right again. There are so many overhead costs in treatment. You must pay people that are on your staff each week and it becomes expensive. Nobody likes to feel like they have to pay anyone. It intakes someone that is brave to understand how billing works exactly and what is all involved in it.

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