Sunday, October 5, 2014

By Jocelyn Davidson

One of the things that a busy person needs to practice is to be organized. If you are not organized with the things that you need to do and the things that you are doing, there is a huge chance that you would not finish them all in the appropriate time. Binders help people in organizing their days and their work greatly. These things can help you be more efficient and make the most out of your day.

When choosing binder, people want to make sure that aside from it can be of use to them, it would also be something that they like. Quality leather agenda binders are the usual and most popular type especially for the working person. For others, they prefer their binders to appear like a simple notebook with dainty designs. This are what most students have.

Because of the technology that most of the gadgets have nowadays, the use for some physical things have depreciated heavily. Most mobile phones already have a built in organizer so that there would be no need for people to bring their binders. But there are still those who want to do things the traditional way.

If you are to pick what binder you are going to use, always see that you are comfortable in using it. And you need to also consider that it would be able to cater to your daily organization needs. The comfortability will ensure that you would be able to use the binder to your full advantage. There are times when it would be hard to look for a certain page. But if you know every part of your notes, it would not be a problem.

Binders should also contain the necessary sections and divisions to help you in maximizing your time for each task. Others have several divisions than some. You should separate your personal goals from those that are for your job.

After doing this, color coding the notes according to its importance would be a good step. A different color would signify the level of importance of a certain task. In color coding your notes, you also need to make sure that the color which signifies urgent would also mean it, like the color red. But everything should be according to your discretion.

Sometimes colored pens are not so efficient and they consume to much space. So to solve this, you can make use of sticky not where you can write your tasks. Same rules apply. Different colors for the different level of importance. You can also slip in inside the pockets of the covers in your binders.

The more notes you paste or write, the more things that you need to accomplish. Because of this there is also an immense amount of clutter afterwards. To avoid confusion, you need to have a schedule for a regular cleanup. It should be in a time that you are comfortable with but not too far from the last cleanup.

Throw away notes that you feel are no longer needed. If you feel that you might have a future use for this note, you can store it at home. Put it in folders according to the same category where it belonged in your binder.

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